5 Ways to Keep a Lawn Healthy

5 Ways to Keep a Lawn Healthy

Maintaining a stunning, lush yard is very easy. All you have to do is take some time and put effort into a solid lawn maintenance routine. Lawn care involves a combination of simple daily and weekly practices you can do yourself or with a little professional assistance. You do not have to be a landscaping expert to show off a healthy, green lawn. Here are five straightforward tips for achieving a healthier, lush lawn:

1. Mulch naturally
Mulching is also a good practice that involves spreading natural products on the ground to improve soil fertility, conserve moisture, reduce weed growth and promote soil health. You can make your own all natural mulch by letting grass clippings and leaf debris turn into compost, then mix with a bit of hen manure and spread on gardens to promote hydration and growth.

2. Water thoroughly early in the day
Adequate water is a key ingredient to a healthy green lawn. However, watering your grass daily is unnecessary unless new grass seeds are growing. The idea is to give the grass an adequate supply of water. Watering two to three times a week is an ideal watering schedule. A sprinkler covering the entire lawn area lets you get the most out of your watering routine. The appropriate time for watering your lawn is early morning hours between 6 and 10 AM. Watering during the day may not have the best results

3. Aerate grass for hydration and oxygenation
Lawn thatch refers to partially decomposed leaves, roots, and grass stems between the grass and the soil surface. This build-up of lawn thatch makes it difficult for your lawn to breathe. In such a case, lawn aeration is an essential care practice to add to your routine. It involves puncturing the soil with small holes that aid vital elements such as air and nutrients to enter the grassroots. Lawn aeration also promotes good drainage. Aeration, if well-timed and properly done, relieves soil compaction and enhances grass growth. Aerate your lawn in spring or fall to eliminate thatch build-up, reduce soil compaction, promote grass growth, and improve water, air, and nutrients. A lawn aerator is a garden tool designed for this practice

4. Fertilize for better growth
Adding fertilizer to your lawn care routine is crucial to obtaining greener, healthy grass. This simple do-it-yourself project requires only a high-quality fertilizer and a lawn spreader. Two types of spreaders are broadcast and drop spreaders. While broadcast spreaders are suitable for large lawns, drop spreaders are ideal for small lawns. The process of fertilizing is easy with the following steps:

  • Water the lawn in advance to prepare the soil
  • Get the spreader ready
  • Fill the spreader with an appropriate fertilizer
  • Adjust the spreader settings according to the directions given
  • Walk along the perimeter of the lawn while feeding your grass with nutrients
  • Properly dispose of the remaining product when you are done.

5. Mow early and set blades high
Regular grass mowing is essential to maintaining a beautiful lawn. The frequency of this lawn care practice depends on the prevailing weather conditions and climate. For instance, during the summer and winter seasons, mowing your lawn at least once every week is a standard lawn care routine. Another important factor to consider when mowing is the time of the day. Experts recommend early morning mowing to keep the grass moisturized. In addition, cut only about a third of the grass’ height when mowing. Mow high and often for better results

Maintaining a healthy lawn is not hard. According to experts, you can grow your lawn vigorously by simply focusing on watering, mowing, aeration, fertilizing, and soil building.