Guilty pleasures you must stop feeling guilty about

Guilty pleasures you must stop feeling guilty about

Adulting often fills us with a sense of immense responsibility towards work, health, and everything else that we might not have cared about in our younger days. Therefore, as the years pass, we eventually start to realize that everything that once gave us satisfaction, is now, in some way or the other, not good for us. For example, most foods that taste good are often not healthy for the body or staying out late with your friends at night means that your work at the office will be hampered. But, before we get stuck in that loop forever, it is important that we understand the importance of occasional indulgence.

Every now-and-then, when you allow yourself off the hook, it will do better than you can actually think. So, here are some guilty pleasures that you need to stop feeling guilty about and enjoy these indulgences without any guilt.

Many of us relate gossiping with bad intent and unhealthy human emotions. However, we sometimes find ourselves not being able to resist a little gossip session here and there. If you have been feeling guilty about whispering about someone else, the findings of the research will help you understand why you need to stop feeling guilty about this guilty pleasure. Research shows that gossip can play an important role as a social function. The findings also showed that the people who gossip might have the best intentions towards others. And also, found that a majority of the participants willingly, though anonymously, gave away information about other participant’s bad behavior. They did this in order to protect the third person from becoming a victim. However, this does not mean that spreading rumors about someone out of sheer jealousy or prejudice is a healthy practice and it can never bring genuine happiness.

As the data suggests, a user spends almost an hour a day on Facebook. However, spending time on Facebook often comes with a pang of guilt. But according to research, this guilt is totally not required. The research suggests that using Facebook can be a stress reliever and it can be a big boost for self-esteem. The research also suggests that using Facebook can establish romantic connections and boost productivity at work. Therefore, spending a controlled amount of time on Facebook is definitely a guilty pleasure you can indulge in.

Although sleep is a basic biological need, it is termed as a guilty pleasure by many people. It is these people who associate and propagate that the idea of sleep is just a waste of time. However, the truth is that not getting enough sleep can drastically impact the longevity of your life. For example, not getting proper sleep can make you feel sleepy behind the wheels, thus increasing the chances of a road accident. In addition to that, sleep deprivation can also have a severe impact on your physical and mental health.